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Services & Pricing

Through a comprehensive suite of services, we work together with our clients to co-create tailored solutions that address their unique challenges and goals. At the heart of our process is the Discovery Call, where we delve into the specifics of your organization's needs, objectives, and vision. This initial conversation allows us to gain valuable insights into your context and priorities, laying the groundwork for a collaborative partnership.

We understand that every organization is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. That's why we offer a flexible, project-based fee structure that meets you halfway. Our goal is to ensure that our services are accessible and equitable, allowing us to work together effectively towards your desired outcomes. Whether you're looking to launch a new health initiative, enhance existing programs, or strengthen community partnerships, we are here to support you every step of the way. Let's embark on this journey together, driving positive change and improving health outcomes for all!

Available Services

  • Community Engagement & Outreach

    We support organizations’ community engagement initiatives and fosters strategic partnerships to address public health inequities. By employing participatory approaches, we place a focus on collaboration and communication, ensuring effective and sustainable programs for diverse communities.

  • Program Design & Evaluation

    We specialize in conducting thorough needs assessments and impact evaluations to inform evidence-based decision-making. By employing rigorous methodologies, we provide clients with a comprehensive understanding of community needs and the effectiveness of existing interventions, facilitating the development of targeted and impactful public health strategies.

  • Staff Training & Organizational Development

    Recognizing the importance of a well-equipped workforce, we offer staff training and organizational development services. Focused on enhancing the capabilities of community health workers, these services contribute to the creation of dynamic and adaptable organizations that can navigate the evolving landscape of public health.


Frequently asked questions

What types of organizations does AJLCH typically work with?

We support and collaborate with a diverse range of organizations committed to advancing health initiatives in their communities, including community-based organizations, government agencies, and healthcare facilities.

How does AJLCH tailor your services to meet the specific needs of our organization?

At the start of our collaboration, we will conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to gain insight into the specific challenges, opportunities, and priorities of your organization. Our assessment serves as a crucial step in understanding your unique organizational context and developing an appropriate plan for supporting your team. Through interviews, surveys, and partner consultations, we engage with your organization's leadership, staff, and key partners to gather valuable insights and perspectives.

What is the typical duration of engagement for AJLCH's consulting services?

While project duration can vary based on the complexity and scope of the initiative, our engagements typically span between 3-12 month. At the start of our collaboration, we will work closely with your organization to determine a project schedule that aligns with your goals, resources, and timeline. Our flexible approach allows us to adapt to changes and ensure that our services are delivered in a timely and efficient manner. By prioritizing collaboration and flexibility in project scheduling, I aim to create a partnership that is responsive to your organization's needs and ultimately drives positive impact within your community.

What is the process for initiating a partnership with AJLCH?

Prospective partners can start by completing our Partnership Interest Form, in which you'll provide us with insights into your organization's expertise, focus areas, and partnership goals. This information helps us better understand how our organizations can complement each other's strengths and work towards shared goals. Our aim is to create partnerships that leverage the unique strengths of each of our organizations, drive innovation, and maximize impact in addressing complex challenges within our respective fields.

What is AJLCH's fee structure?

Our fee structure is based on a project-based pricing model, ensuring transparent and predictable pricing for our services. This approach allows us to tailor fees to the specific scope and requirements of each project, ensuring fair and competitive pricing for our clients. When determining a project's price, we take into account factors such as its complexity, the level of expertise required, and the anticipated time and resources needed to deliver results. Our goal is to offer flexible pricing options that accommodate your organization's budgetary constraints while ensuring value for your investment. We prioritize transparency and open communication throughout the pricing negotiation process, so you can feel confident in the fairness and affordability of our services.

What geographic areas does AJLCH serve?

Our primary focus is on collaborating and building partnerships with organizations throughout California. We bring a nuanced understanding of the cultural socioeconomic, and environmental factors that influence community health in our state. However, we also remain open to opportunities for collaboration beyond state borders. We recognize the interconnected nature of health and wellness issues and are committed to partnering with organizations nationwide to drive positive change and create healthier, more vibrant communities for all.